Sermons by Book: Acts
Evening Sermon Feb. 28, 2021
Message Text: Acts 1:4-8
Listen“We Believe in the Holy Spirit”
On Pentecost, we reflect on the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the Church and what that means in our own lives. Once again, we have posted the full service for the benefit of any not yet able to attend.
Message Text: Acts 2:1-21
Listen“He Ascended Into Heaven”
On Ascension Sunday, we review the fact and significance of Jesus’ ascension. Once again, we are posting the entire service for those not able to worship with us.
Message Text: Acts 1:1-11
ListenPentecost: Babel’s Curse in Reverse
The story of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost may be understood as Babel’s curse in reverse by which God equips His church for unity in mission.
Message Text: Acts 2:1-21
ListenHe Ascended Into Heaven
Message Text: Acts 1:1-11