Sermons by Book: John
“The Way, the Truth, and the Life? (Gospel of John, 47)
Message Text: John 14:1-12
Listen“A New Commandment” (Gospel of John, 46)
Message Text: John 13:31-38
Listen“The Betrayer and the Beloved” (Gospel of John, 45)
Message Text: John 13:21-30
Listen“Discipleship Unto Death” (Gospel of John, 44)
Message Text: John 13:12-20
Listen“Washing the Disciples’ Feet” (Gospel of John, 43)
Message Text: John 13:1-11
Listen“A Testimony, an Invitation, and a Challenge” (Gospel of John, 42)
Message Text: John 12:44-50
Listen“Sin, Sovereignty, and Salvation” (Gospel of John, 41)
Message Text: John 12:37-43
Listen“The Coming of Jesus’ Hour” (Gospel of John, 40)
Message Text: John 12:20-36
Listen“Jesus: What Kind of King?” (Gospel of John, 39)
Message Text: John 12:9-19
Listen“An Anointing for Burial” (Gospel of John, 38)
Text Message: John 11:55-12:8