Sermons by Book: John
“Nic at Night” (Gospel of John, 9)
When a ruler of the Jews comes to Jesus by night, we learn the nature of the ‘faith’ some are placing in Jesus because of His miracles. And we hear the challenge of what true faith in Jesus involves.
Message Text: John 2:23-3:8
Listen“Jesus and the Temple” (Gospel of John, 8)
Message Text: John 2:13-22
Listen“Jesus Calls His First Disciples” (Gospel of John, 6)
What is discipleship all about? We find out as we look at the example and testimony of Jesus’ very first disciples.
Message Text: John 1:35-51
Listen“The Testimony of John the Baptizer” (Gospel of John, 5)
“John the Baptizer testifies about himself that he is merely one who has come to prepare the way for Jesus. He testifies about Jesus that He is the Lamb of God come to take away sin and nothing less than God-in-the-flesh.”
Message Text: John 1:19-34
Listen“Jesus: God Tabernacling Among Us” (Gospel of John, 4)
“John tells us that Jesus became flesh and tabernacled among us. As the new tabernacle, Jesus reveals God’s presence, God’s glory, and grace and truth.”
Message Text: John 1:14-18
Listen“A Witness and the True Light” (Gospel of John, 3)
John the Baptizer came as a witness to the Light. Jesus is the True Light through whom all people can become children of God.
Message Text: John 1:6-13
ListenA Portrait of the Word (Gospel of John, Part 2)
John begins his gospel with bold declarations about the Word. We mine the first five verses for clues to the identity of this mysterious figure.
Message Text: John 1:1-5
ListenA First Glance at John’s Gospel (Gospel of John, Part 1)
We begin a new sermon series through the Gospel of John with a first glance at some of the key features of the book. Our anchor text is John’s purpose statement for his gospel found in John 20:30-31.
Message Text: John 20:30-31