Sermons by Series: Assorted Topics
“Learning to Lament”
Message Text: Psalm 22:1-31
Listen“The Majesty of God (and His Image Bearers)”
Message Text: Psalm 8:1-9
Listen“Yahweh Fit the Battle of Jericho”
The old spiritual declares, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho.” But does that reflect the Biblical emphasis of the first battle in the Promised Land?
Message Text: Joshua 6:6-27
Listen“Daniel’s Model Prayer”
Message Text: Daniel 9:1-19
Listen“Our Triumphant Priest- King”
Message Text: Psalm 110:1-7
Listen“When God Seems Absent”
Message Text: Psalms 42-43
Listen“Who Are You?”
Message Text: Mark 6:1-13
Listen“Blessed is He”
Message Text: Psalm 41