Sermons by Speaker: Steven Wright
“Crucifixion of a King” (Gospel of John, 65)
Message Text: John 19:16b-27
Listen“Faithful Caleb” (Joshua, 19)
Message Text: Joshua 14:1-15; 15:13-19
Listen“Trial of a King, Part 2” (Gospel of John, 64)
Message Text: John 19:1-16a
Listen“Blessed to Be a Blessing: A Vision for Mission”
Message Text: Psalm 67:1-7
Listen“Three Gardens: The Big Picture of Easter”
Message Text: John 19:38-20:18
Listen“Beginning to Apportion the Land”(Joshua , 18)
Message Text: Joshua 13.1-33
Listen“Building on Baptism”
Message Text: Psalm 78:1-8
Listen“Learning to Lament”
Message Text: Psalm 22:1-31
Listen“Conquered Kings” (Joshua, 17)
Message Text: Joshua 12:1-24