Sermons by Speaker: Steven Wright
“Power Encounters: True and False”
Message Text: Acts 19:11-20
Listen“Bartimaeus: From Blind Beggar to Seeing Disciple”
Message Text: Mark 10:46-52
Listen“Disciples of John the Baptizer”
Message Text: Acts 19:1-10
Listen“God’s Faithfulness: Our Source of Joy and Hope”
Message Text: Psalm 126
Listen“Discipleship and Servanthood”
Message Text: Mark 10:32-45
Listen“Wealth and Discipleship”
Jesus has an encounter with a man who struggles to decide between his wealth and following Jesus. The disciples learn a lesson on idolatry and discipleship.
Message Text: Mark 10:17-31
Listen“An Apostle Travels; A Teacher is Taught”
Message Text: Acts 18:18-28
Listen“As a Little Child”
Message Text: Mark 10:13-16
Listen“Discipleship and Marriage”
Message Text: Mark 10:1-12
Listen“Wisdom for the New Year”
Message Text: Psalm 90