“The Testimony of John the Baptizer” (Gospel of John, 5)
“John the Baptizer testifies about himself that he is merely one who has come to prepare the way for Jesus. He testifies about Jesus that He is the Lamb of God come to take away sin and nothing less than God-in-the-flesh.”
Message Text: John 1:19-34
Listen“Jesus: God Tabernacling Among Us” (Gospel of John, 4)
“John tells us that Jesus became flesh and tabernacled among us. As the new tabernacle, Jesus reveals God’s presence, God’s glory, and grace and truth.”
Message Text: John 1:14-18
Listen“A Witness and the True Light” (Gospel of John, 3)
John the Baptizer came as a witness to the Light. Jesus is the True Light through whom all people can become children of God.
Message Text: John 1:6-13
ListenA Portrait of the Word (Gospel of John, Part 2)
John begins his gospel with bold declarations about the Word. We mine the first five verses for clues to the identity of this mysterious figure.
Message Text: John 1:1-5
ListenA First Glance at John’s Gospel (Gospel of John, Part 1)
We begin a new sermon series through the Gospel of John with a first glance at some of the key features of the book. Our anchor text is John’s purpose statement for his gospel found in John 20:30-31.
Message Text: John 20:30-31
ListenAmazing Love!
Guest preacher Ford Williams explores the amazing love Christ demonstrated for His people through His painful and atoning death on the cross.
Message Text: Hebrews 12:1-2
ListenA Blessing for Service (The Worship of God, Part 17)
The benediction at the end of the worship service is not a mere formality. When God blesses us with words such as Hebrews 13:20-21, He assures is that we are at peace with Him, points us to Christ our great Shepherd, and equips us for obedient kingdom service.
Message Text: Hebrews 13:20-21
ListenPentecost: Babel’s Curse in Reverse
The story of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost may be understood as Babel’s curse in reverse by which God equips His church for unity in mission.
Message Text: Acts 2:1-21
ListenOur Ascended High Priest
Doctrine makes a difference! On Ascension Sunday, we reflect on the reality of Christ’s ascension, the role of our ascended Priest, and the results of the ascension in our lives.
Message Text: Hebrews 4:14-16
ListenOur Liturgy: God Communes With Us (The Worship of God, Part 15)
God uses the Lord’s Supper as a means of grace in our lives as He renews covenant with us. We participate in it as a joyful celebration of our union and communion with Christ and also with one another.
Message Text: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34