“Jesus: Lord of the Sabbath”
Message Text: Mark 2:23-27
Listen“Resurrection: Victory Over Death!”
Message Text: 1 Corthinians 15:12-26
Listen“Paul’s 1st Missionary Journey Begins”
Message Text: Acts 12:25-13:12
Listen“Jesus: What Kind of King?”
Message Text: John 12:12-19
Listen“Judgement and Reversal”
Message Text: Acts 12:19b-24
Listen“Looking to the Lord Jesus”
Message Text: Psalm 123
Listen“Facts Cure Feelings”
Message Text: Ephesians 1:1-14
Listen“Death and Deliverance”
Message Text: Acts 12:1-19a
Listen“Eating with Jesus”
Message Text: Mark 2:13-22