“Four Witnesses and a Warning” (Gospel of John, 18)
Jesus receives persecution and a veritable prosecution from the religious leaders. Having testified Himself, He now cites four witnesses in His defense. And He issues a warning to His opponents. This scene that uses the language of a courtroom shows that we have very good reasons to trust in Jesus!
Message Text: John 5:31-47
Listen BulletinSpirit-Filled Submission, Pt. 2: Children and Parents (Ephesians, 24)
The Bible is for children, too! This message is aimed largely to children to communicate God’s Word to them. (With a message for parents, as well.)
Ephesians 6:1-4
ListenSpirit-Filled Submission, Pt. 1: Wives and Husbands (Ephesians, 23)
Paul begins to explore the theme of Spirit-filled submission by examining the role relationships of husbands and wives.
Ephesians 5:21-33