Worship is the highest calling and greatest privilege of God’s people.
The only thing the Bible says that God seeks is people who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23). Clearly, God places a high priority on His worship. Therefore, corporate worship on the Lord’s Day is the central ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church. Everything else in the life of the church flows forth from corporate worship.
We look to the Bible for the principles, practices, and pattern for our service. We also draw from the rich treasury of the church’s historic worship practices. Worship is neither a spectator sport nor a pep rally. Rather, it is a dialogue between God and His covenant people in which we honor Him and He blesses us. Therefore, congregational participation is a key component of worship. Our printed bulletin guides us through the service. In worship, God renews His gracious covenant with His people through Word and Sacrament. As an important element of worship, we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper each week in our morning service.
Our Sunday evening worship is a less formal service that includes a hymn request time for singing, a catechism lesson for young children, preaching, and prayer. Corporate worship is a wonderful way to close out each Lord’s Day.
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services. For those who desire, nursery care is available for children up to 3 years of age during our morning service.
Our Sunday Schedule
Morning Worship 9:30 a.m.
Fellowship Time 10:45 a.m.
Sunday School 11:15 a.m.
Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. (temporarily suspended)
Please join us for worship as together we meet with God and celebrate the grace He has shown us in Jesus Christ. We invite you to stay for our Fellowship/Snack Time immediately following our morning service and for Sunday School for all ages at 11:15.
For more information about our worship service
You can listen to a recent sermon, or view a bulletin from Sunday.
Sermon ArchiveDownload “Understanding Worship at Covenant Presbyterian Church,” a brief overview and explanation of our worship service.
DownloadDownload “The Lord’s Service,” a more in-depth study of the Biblical and theological background for our worship practices.